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Panda Friendly Films

Panda Friendly Films

We all know people in our lives that are either not horror fans or not as big of horror fans as we are. This can make it hard to share a love of our favorite genre with the people we love. Freddy Kruger, Michael Myers, and Jason Vorhees just don’t mean to them what they mean to us. And they don’t get as giddy during the entire month of October like we do. This is actually ok. There is a way to share your love of horror movies with those you love, WITHOUT traumatizing them for the rest of their lives. How you ask? Well, that is easy, I have the answer and it is called “Panda Friendly Films”.

I know someone that falls into the first category. He does try to suffer through films because he knows how much I love the genre. And this is where “Panda Friendly Films” comes from. A compromise, he watches movies with me and I don’t watch films that would not be on the “P.F.F.” list with him.

The films that make this list are usually going to be films that are not overly gory or the gore does not look real at all. Also there will not usually have anytime when children are killed OR in danger. Now you would think that this would make for a pretty short list, but not really. As I started looking into films to talk about and started tossing titles out to Mr. Panda. I was really surprised at how quickly the list grew and the wide range of films that were actually on this list.

Some of the films that we will discuss that are considered “P.F.F.” include “The Others”, “Silence of the Lambs”. “Hannibal”, “Dracula Untold”, “Thir13en Ghosts” and “See No Evil”. If you are looking for “P.F.F.” s, they will be labeled that way in the title of the write up of the film. Example: “The Others” - 2001 - PFF." I will also be compiling and posting a list on this site. I will update the list as I find or remember more “P.F.F.”s. Also I’ll be taking your suggestions, in the comments section, leave me the titles you think would be considered Panda Friendly and we will put them to the test.

Now I feel it is important to state that what scares one person, may not scare or bother someone else and these are films that a non horror fan is willing to watch with me so that we can have time together and he is able to share the genre I love with me. Do not take this as a beginner’s guide to horror or that the films on this list will be kid-friendly.

Some of the films on this list might be loosely considered Horror or Suspense. Or they are “Musical - Horror” or “Animated - Horror”. When you are just looking to get your horror fix but you wanna share it with a loved one, you take what you can get. I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with when it comes to sharing Panda Friendly Films with each other. Link to the Panda Friendly Film List

Happy Watching


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