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Event Horizon - 1997

Event Horizon - 1997

I am not one who usually likes horror movies out in space. But I really, really love this film. I honestly think that it is because it is a very beautiful film. The sets are amazing and some of the visual effects are just breathtaking. The cast is what originally pulled me to this film.

I love Laurence Fishburne as well as Sam Neill. Looking at the cast as a whole, there is not a single member that I would change or replace. Which I will admit, is actually a rare thing for me to stay. So this movie, obviously, takes place in space, and yes it is kind of a haunted spaceship story, but it is SO well done and the story is actually pretty well written. There is not much I can say about the story without spoiling it, but it is told very well and even if you are like me and not a huge fan of space horror movies. Totally worth the watch.


As I said before this movie is beautiful, but it does have some of the best gory moments of any 90’s horror movie. Part of that because it is not just hack, slash, and gore. Everything works to drive the story forward and to really keep you interested. Some interesting facts, there is a beautiful shot of the space station overlooking Earth. It is breathtaking and cost almost a third of the film’s total budget to do. There is a bit of a tip of the hat to “Hellraiser” in this film as well. The Gateway machine was originally supposed to be smooth and instead is made of interlocking panels that when you see them, you will see the influence that “Hellraiser” had on that particular piece. There is gore, there is nudity, the language is not for the young. But this is a cut-down version of the original film that never got to see past the “screening” audience. The film was originally 30 minutes longer and much more gruesome. But, both test audiences and the studio balked at the finished product. So they cut the film down and seemed to achieve greater success with the film that we see today.

I had mentioned the cast. Well Let’s talk about them, shall we? First up is a personal favorite actor of mine. That would be the super talented Sam Neill. Not unfamiliar to many horror fans, as this was not his first or last horror film. In this movie, Sam plays Dr. Weir, a tormented scientist headed out to find the Event Horizon, a ship that vanished seven years before. While some people tend to think of this character as unsympathetic, I really don’t really see it that way. I think he is just trying to battle his own demons and because of that, can come across as standoffish and rude. One of the first times I remember seeing him in a horror movie was in the 1981 “The Final Conflict” where he played the adult Damian Thorne, this was one of the last in the “Omen” series of film. He also had roles in the 1993 dinosaur hit “Jurassic Park”, and the 1994 Clive Barker creepfest “In The Mouth Of Madness”. He was almost the wizard Merlin in the amazing 1998 mini-series by the same name. I can honestly say I have never seen him in a role that I have not really liked him in. Most recently he has starred in the 2015 television mini-series adaptation of one of my favorite books. Agatha Christie’s “And Then There Were None”.

Our next cast member is another favorite of mine. That being Laurence Fishburne, playing our Captain Miller. His career started in the early ’70s as a soap opera actor and then went on to do several television series and movies. Horror fans will recognize him as “Max” from the 1987 “Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors”. After playing Captain Miller, he went on to join the cast of the Matrix Trilogy as the cryptic Morpheus that guides Keanu Reeves though the nightmare that is reality. He was the voice of the Silver Surfer in the 2007 comic book movie “Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer.”. A fan favorite when it comes to the horror genre due to his distinct sound and looks, as well as he is just an amazing actor. He has had some longstanding roles in some very popular series like “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” (2008-2011), “Hannibal” (2013-2015), and “Black-ish (2014-2016). He is well known for his voice and the calm demeanor of his characters. I can honestly say that there is nothing I have seen him in I have not liked.

As I stated before this is a beautiful film. However, it is not without it’s moments that make you cringe due to content or gore. The story is written well enough that it will grab you and hold you all the way through as well as the fact that each of the characters has a backstory and you can actually feel for them. I recommend this film of anyone that might actually want to try a space horror movie but isn’t looking for something like “Aliens” or that style. Something that is a bit more cerebral and plays in the most basic of human fears, regret.


3 of 5 - There is nudity as well as some pin-up pictures and sexual jokes. The most is the nude woman who can be seen throughout the film. Though she is part of the story and takes nothing away from the plot.

4 of 5 - Small cast, high death count.

4 of 5 - There is gore in all shapes and sizes, blood, body parts, this film has a great mix but not so much over the top that you get lost in that and lose the story.

3 of 5 - There are some psychological scares as well as a few pretty good jump scares.


2 of 5 - With the gore and some of the content, this does not fall into the PFF category.


Pitch Black




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